Rob Wing


For the past 30+ years Rob Wing has pioneered the diversity of fresh, sustainably caught Cornish fish. A born and bred Cornishman who grew up in the fishing village of St Mawes, Rob has been involved in fishing all his working life; first as a seafood chef, then a fisherman, trawler owner, and since 1986, a fishmonger and merchant supplying leading restaurants all over the UK.

Over the decades Rob has worked with the industry to protect and conserve a centuries old way of life. He helped found Seafood Cornwall, a trade body to help cohesion in the industry between fishermen. He was also part of an EU funding project that set up a 1500 square mile ‘no fish zone’ off north Cornwall that fishermen credit with a significant rise in stocks of species like cod and haddock.

Still a very much sought after source of knowledge, Rob has now become a Chair of the Harbour Commission for Newlyn fishing port where he is helping to install better facilities for fishermen and modernise practices by increasing sustainable fisheries.

Rob is proud to have spent almost all of his working life within Cornish fishing and continues to work towards future generations benefitting from the wonderful seafood that surrounds our county’s coast.